Mohammad Reza Shafie art gallery official website »



Mohamad reza Shafeie

(( graduated from calligrapher socity ))

Calligrapher , Painter , Photographer and Collector of impression ancient of iran.

- Born in 1976 in esfahan

- Have  many  ranking  in  country at competition of calligrapher , calligraphy painting

     and photograf

- Awards :
     the appreciated by nahjolbalaghe festival in 2000
     the first one at imam festival in 2006
     the appreciated by sogvareha festival in 2007
     the second at esar festival in2007
     the appreciated by pyambare azam festival in2006
     the appreciated by namaz festival in 2008
     the first one at ashora festival in2007
     the first one at sogvareha festival in2007
     the first one in calligraphy painting sireh nabavi festival in2009
     the appreciated by calligraphy painting kateban festival in 2010

- Dispose of many solenss and collective exhabitions

- Soleness : some of them ; gallery kosar , in central library of esfahan , art museum

    contemporary  and  Algeria  country  Algazire  city  and  telmesan  city  and  many

    collective exhabitaion .

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